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 " You Have to Keep On Pushing"


You have to keep on Pushing..... Resilience Is the Key!!! No Surrender, No Retreat. You do not run from the Challenges of Life, You Embrace them. The Most High GOD does not make any mistakes. Every Situation that You have had to Face, Was not Orchestrated to just bring You Pain. Sometimes the Pain that You Endured was meant to Cultivate, Guide, and Prepare You for what You will have to Face in the next Chapter of Your life.

There will always be Obstacles in Life, that May seem Insurmountable at the time. Faith in The Most High GOD and Yourself is All that You need. You are Equipt to handle any Adversary, Or Adversity that presents Itself. IT is not always about what has happened to You, Sometimes it is more important how you handle it. Somethings happened for You... Not to You. It was just the Catalyst that The Most High GOD used to get Your Undivided Attention. Can You turn Your Pain into Power? Your Commitment to Yourself to Survive at any and all Cost.... Because Life is going to Do what it Does.... Unapologetically!!! Life has its own Unique way of teaching Us certain Lessons, When it is Time that We learn them... IT is All A Part of GOD'S Grand Design!!!

Believe It, OR Not, Adversity Builds Character!!!! You will find hidden Strength that You didn't even know that You had. Sometimes things inside of US must be Broken, and Dismantled, So that We can discover for Ourselves that We can Bend, and Not Break. What You may have thought had the Power to Break You.... You Realize Only made You Stronger. Some People Only Discover this in Their Brokenness and Isolation. You will definitely discover Who You Are and what You are made of.... Only the Strong will Survive!!! I am not Referring to Physical Strength, Yes your Physical Stature can make You Strong, But Not in All areas of Your life....Where it Counts!!!

Sometimes You will need to Rely on Hidden Strengths that the World can not Visually See. Are you Strong in Your Spirit and In Your Character? This Is Not An Easy Path for Everyone to Follow, IT takes total Commitment, No Matter the Disappointment and Set Backs that You may Face. You are Committed to Forward Movement... You Understand that the Tide Will, and Always Does Turn.

You have to keep on Pushing..... Sometimes the Burdens and Struggles of Life can be A Bit Overwhelming. You just can't see the light at the end of the Tunnel. You may even begin to Question is there A Light...Are You Clinging to False Hope? I Can Assure You that You are Not. The Most High GOD will Never make A Promise that HE can not keep. HE Said; If You take One Step, HE Will take Two. GOD Bless the Child, Who tries to help Themselves, and Trust The Most High GOD for Everything Else.

You have to keep on Pushing.... You are Your Own Self Motivation, After All, It is Your life that We are talking about. You can not give Up on You.... That would be Such an Injustice if You do.... You Must Play To Win!!!! Quitters Will Never Win.... And A Loser Will Never Progress...Why?? If You are lacking Vision and Perseverance, How Can You keep Your Eyes on the Prize? If You Can Not See it.

When You have been to Hell and Back, You have A Greater Appreciation for what The Most High GOD has brought You through. You may have barely Survived with Your Bones Intact....But His Grace Is Sufficient!!! You Now know what didn't have the Power to Kill You... Only made You Stronger!!! Now You are A Beast. Instead of The Pain and Disappointment keeping You Stifled and Stuck.... IT Propels You... Just like A Bow and Arrow Does. As long as You are willing to keep moving forward, In spite Of Any Obstacles You may have to Face. Rest Assure You will End Up exactly where You were meant to be. The Most High GOD will make sure of it!!! Your Commitment to Yourself will not be in Vain. You will Come Out on the Other Side, A New Improved Version of Yourself.

Remember, Everything Comes with A Price. That may require You allowing The Old Version of Yourself to Die. Your Mindset, The Things that You allow into Your life. Be IT People, Places, OR Things, That You have Outgrown and No longer serves Your Highest Good. So that You can Experience and Embrace what the Future holds for You. The Chapters of life will continue to be Written, As long as You are Alive. You must Understand that some Chapters must be closed....So that the New Ones can be Written. They were Important, They served their Purpose....As the Old Saying Goes... Hindsight is Twenty -Twenty Vision. You can clearly see the Mistakes of the Past....Were they really Mistakes? OR were they just the Catalyst and Tools to help You to See, Learn, and Understand how to get it right?

You have to keep on Pushing.....I Can tell You All Day, Not to give Up the Fight until I am Blue in the Face. If it does not Resonate with You in Your Spirit.... It Will Not Change... You Must Believe!!!

If You Fertilize, and Water the Seeds that You Plant.... They Will Grow!!!! Are You A Survivor? OR A Casualty of War in An Unjust World? Again, No Surrender....No Retreat!!! Never Underestimate The Power of The Human Spirit....If You Believe You Can..... You Will!!!

You have to keep on Pushing...... You Owe It to Yourself.....To Give It the Best that You've Got!!!

                                                                                        BY Jaki.


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