You Choose Your Choices.... IT is said that the Mistakes of the Past, Is A Blueprint of Enlightenment for Your Future. If You are willing to Pay Close Attention... Life will show You everything that You need to know. Hindsight is Twenty Twenty Vision!!! Everyone's Favorite Saying Is....If Only I knew then, What I know now, I would have made A Different Choice. Well, That will only take You but so far. OH how so many People love to tell Themselves that one. In All Honesty, that is Only Half of the Truth... You live and You learn!!! Well, At least You are suppose to. That Phrase is likening to A Hallway Pass, You got A Few Warnings, Before it becomes A Habit. You've gotten too Comfortable, You Refuse to follow Instructions. Then the Consequences begin to Show Up... Remember Detention??
You Choose Your Choices....Yes, Sometimes in life, Some People were dealt A Bad Hand that they did not Choose, and they had No Control over the way the Cards were Played. Situations of Life, Was just that... Life!!! And We All know that sometimes life can be A Real Bitch. Every Choice that You have made, Either Added to your life... OR took away from it. Either Way they were Defining Moments...That is Why the Most High GOD Bestows His Grace upon Some People. We All have A Choice to Choose, Rather Or Not, You are Playing the Game to Win, OR You're just the Person who warms the Bench... Sitting on the Sidelines watching the Game being Played. You have the Opportunity to Choose!!! So You learn to Strategize, and pick Yourself up by the Bootstraps... Because Failure is Not An Option!!! Especially from lack of Trying.... You just Quit!!!
You Choose Your Choices....There will always be Different Paths in life that You can Choose to Follow. Everyone's Path in life will Not be the same. Everything Isn't For Everybody!!! No Matter what Path You may Choose, Whatever You Decide, IT will Not be Free of Charge. What We All will Share in Common Is.... Being Accountable for the Choices that You Choose to Make.
You Choose Your Choices.... Some People will Honor their Choices, Rather It is Good, OR It is Bad. They feel they made the Best Decision with the Information that was Afforded to them at that time. They have No Qualms about Sleeping in the Bed that they Built.... Even If It is Uncomfortable!! That level of Integrity warrants RESPECT!!! They were willing to take A Risk, Maybe it worked out for their Good, OR Maybe Sometimes it didn't. Some People on the Other Hand, Knew from the Beginning that what they Invested themselves in, Was A Bad Endeavor from the Start, and the Probability of things working out in their Favor was Slim to None. Yet, They Still Chose to throw Caution to the Wind.... And Crapped Out!!!!
You Choose Your Choices..... The Truth Is.... Those are the People, Who really thought that they were Being Nickel Slick. Either they wanted to Get Something for Nothing. OR just Soothe and Stroke their Pride and EGO.... And when things didn't quite work out the way that they planned, They love to Holler like Someone just Poured Hot Grease on them. Just So that they can play the Role of the Victim. When It is All Said And Done, They really Aren't Fooling Anyone Else... But Themselves!!! They Actually Bullshitted Themselves... How About A Round of Applause!!! A Toast to A Fool!!! I Often Wonder when will Some People Admit to Themselves Why they Chose Most of the Choices that they have Made, and Continue to Make.
You Choose Your Choices..... The Most High GOD, Has Gifted Us All Free Will. Believe Me when I Say, Some People Exercise that Right A Whole lot More than Others. They Seem to Relish in the Ability to Do whatever It is that They want, As long as things are Going their way. God Forbid that things begin to take An Unexpected Turn, that they Did Not Anticipate. They Don't want to Accept Any Responsibility for Any of that. Now Here Comes the.....Why Is this Happening to Me? OR I Didn't See this Coming!!!! Stop Lying to Everyone Around You... Especially to Yourself!!! You Chose the Path You Took.
You Choose Your Choices.... You were Well Aware, IT was Always A Possibility things could Go Left. No One Else was Superimposing Their Will Upon You. IT Was You.... All You!!! ADMIT It to Yourself, That You Did Not Care about Any Ramifications.... You Chose to Cross that Bridge when You Got to It. Having that Mindset Comes with Its Own Pricetag... That You Must be Willing to Pay!!! Believe Me I know.
You Choose Your Choices..... You Must Be Careful, and Stay Mindful of the Choices and Decisions that You Choose to Make, And the Seeds that You Water and Plant. Some Things in life, Can be Contributed to Happenstance, If You Believe in Such A thing. Despite Whatever You Believe... Know This.... What You Choose, Is What will Show Up.... And You Will Have to Live with Your Choice. So If You know like I know....I Suggest that You Choose Wisely!!!
                    "You Choose Your Choices"
                                           BY Jaki.