When You know You Are On Another Level.......To merely mention A Difference in your Train of Thought, Clearly would be Nothing Less than An Absolute Understatement. Barely even Penetrating Any Levels of Ice... Compared to what is really going on underneath the Surface. The Difference in Your Mindset from the Past, To Now to Date, Would just be half of the story. You can not get to the Other Side of the Mountain, Without Traveling through the Terrain!!!
If I never mentioned the Root Cause of the very Subtle, Yet Extremely Significant Underline Catalyst that begin to put such Turn of Events into Motion. Maybe We Should All Start There!!! You have began to Outgrow Your Adolescent Mindset, Accompanied by Your Immature Behavioral Problems, that Rarely Yielded You the Desired Results You Innately Seeked. It is A Pivotal Moment in A Persons Life, When You Realize that It is Time that You Grow Up, And Take Responsibility for Your Choices, and Your Life. You sometimes feel Ostracized by Your Family, and Friends, And Group of Peers. You find Yourself looking at Life Completely Different, Thinking Outside of The Box.
You Use to be A Willing Participant of The Go Along, Get Along Gang.... IT Was the Status Quo!!! Imagine Your Surprise, When You Realized there were never any Limiting Confines, OR Strongholds that were placed On Your Life, OR IN IT. Other Then The Ones You Allowed, OR Created For Yourself. What A Mind Blowing Revelation!!! You have Outgrown The Group, And The Groups Mentality. Your Perception, And Expectations, Has Drastically Changed. Solidifying A Brand New Version of Yourself. You are No longer in Need of Outside Validation.... Trying to Fit In.... At this point, You Realize that You Don't... And You Never Did. The Truth Is... You Don't Even Want To.... Even If You Could. Everything Just Isn't For Everybody.
Sadly, There Are Some People in the World, Who are just Comfortable, And Complacent, With Going in Circles. They're Trapped In A Repetitive Cycle... It is What they are Use to.. That is how they Function. That is their Lane.... Many Do Not even View Their Mentality As Such. They Say that They are just living Life!!!
Meanwhile Others in the World that Understand that Although We were All Created Equally... Everyone Does Not, And Will Not, Operate OR Excel the same. We were All Given The Opportunity to learn, And to Grow, To Be Willing to try to become The Best Version of Ourselves. When You have Done The Work....There will be Signs that You have Outgrown The Masses. You Still have A lot of Learning to Do.... But Not On this level... Time To Move On!!!
When You know You Are On Another Level..... You can Try and Play Make-believe, And Try to Run Away from The Immanent Presence of Change, That You have began to Sense On A Soulful Level. You are Now Open to New Possibilities that Life Now has to Offer. When You can feel Your Mind Expanding, The Way that You Think, Is No Longer One-sided Dimensional Thinking. You are beginning to Embrace Your Ability to Go Within.... And See Your Footsteps, Clarifying what Steps that You Should take, And in what Direction You Should Go. The Most High GOD is A Very Giving GOD.... But Sadly, HE Did Not Give Everyone The Vision!!!! Do Not Feel Dismayed. The Most High GOD, Gave Us All, Special Gifts, and Talents, That makes Us Unique. Are You Aware of Your Gifts, And Your Talent that Sets You Apart from Everyone Else?
You have Always Known that there Is Something Very Different, And Special about You.... That Separates You from Everyone else. IT Is Not, That You think that You are Better than Anyone Else. There Is No Shade!!! You Don't.... That Is Not the Aura that You Carry!!! You Are Just Phenomenally Different, Separated From the Rest!!! Everyone Was Never Intended to Blend... Some of Us Stand Out Purposely.... BY Gods Grand Design!!!!
Still, You Must Understand that Your Actions, Must Also Change As Well. The Mind, And The Body, Coming Together in Perfect Alignment, Is Also A Part of The Change. Those Not So Quiet Thoughts that Seem to Linger On in Your Mind. They have A Very Profound Way of Making Their Presence Clear. Your Subconscious Mind will Begin to Speak to You, Even When You Don't want It to.
You Begin to Recognize Changes Within Yourself that Initially Started Out As Subtle, And Minute, And Now They Seem to be Major Declarations Of Infinite Change. Even If You were Not Aware... Now You Are Here!!!!
When You know You Are On Another Level.....There Is Definitely Something to be Said about knowing... Your Self Worth!!! IT Is When You Do Not... You Will Continue to Put Yourself in So Many Chaotic Circumstances, But When You Realize Your Value.... You Understand, And Govern Yourself Accordingly. You Can Not, And Do Not Wish to Do, Any of the Things that You Use to. You have Outgrown So Many Things in Your Life . That Is Not Even Who You Are Anymore, You Will Never Again Be the Person that You Use to Be. You have Learned to Embrace what Increases Your Value.... And Disregard Anything, Or Anyone that Diminishes It. You Have Evolved!!!!
When You know You Are On Another Level..... When You hold Yourself to A Higher Level of Expectation. You Will Think, And Move, Completely Different. It will Almost Seem Strange, OR Weird, To the Outside World, Looking from The Outside In. To Anyone Who Knows, KNOWS!!! You Move and Navigate the way that You Do.... Because Your Outlook and Mindset is Completely Different. You have No Problem Standing Outside of The Circle.... You Know that Is where You Belong....Where You Can See All Four Corners with A Birds Eye View. Because Even No One Else is Looking.... You Still Expect More Out of Yourself.... And You Continuously Hold Yourself to A Higher Standard.... When You know You Are On Another Level!!!
"When You know You Are On Another Level"
By Jaki.