When You know the Truth......There are levels of Growth and Understanding in life. Life can, and always does begin to reveal harsh realities that you have conveniently been playing Dodgeball with. They are now staring you right in the Face. Unlike all of those other times, where you were able to do the Back and Forth two step... Indulging the Bullshit. The Truth can be a very Painful, Bitter pill to swallow, Or to Accept.
You have been all Too Willing to Ride the Ride, If for No Other Reason to see where it just might lead. Hell, You are telling Yourself this time can, and will be different.... Because You are Different!!!!
You have grown in so many ways, that could only happen over time....At least so You think!!!!
Are You Different? Are You Growing? Have You Grown? To Pose the same Question three different ways may seem a bit Redundant. Well..... Just hold on to Your Hats....It may sound like I am asking the same question Three Different Ways. I can Assure that I am not. All Three Questions mean something completely different. I will let You in on A Little Secret..... When All Three Questions are Answered Yes....It Definitely will Show without A Shadow of a Doubt. It's A Reflection of Who You are and what You stand for.
The Most High GOD allows The Light within You to be seen. It Permeates Your Solid Decision Making, and how Confidently You move.
When You know the Truth... The Same holds True to the Contrary. You are also Aware when Some, If Not All, Are A No. You can Play Dumb All You want, and Act Oblivious to what is really going on. Ignorance Isn't Always Bliss.... Especially When It is You that keeps getting The Short End of the Stick.
You try to put on A Brave Face for the Public, and All of Your Peers. When You know the Truth... When All Hell tends to Break Loose in Your life, You Almost Expect it. Even if it's On A Hidden Subconscious level. It's Hard As Hell, Almost Next to Impossible to turn what started out As being Bullshit... Into becoming The Truth!!! But People Still Try...... Don't They?
When You know the Truth..... You have Always shown up for Everyone else. Your Motives were Often Predicated by The Circumstances. You haven't really shown up for Yourself in quite some time. Do not lie to Yourself, and begin to create False Narratives in Your life that will only keep You Tied and Bound to The Disillusionment.
When You know the Truth.... There is No Need for a Fancy Dialogue.... You know the Truth.... That really isn't the part where You seem to Always find Yourself Stuck. The Acceptance of The Truth for What it is..... That is usually the part that Most People find it Hard to Digest.
When You know the Truth.....We All can Attest to the Fact.... The Truth Hurts!!!! As Painful as it may be, There is something very Rewarding that You will Experience when You know that You are being One Hundred Percent Authentic with Yourself. Once Your Eyes has been opened and Your Heart and Mind has made Peace. There really is No Turning Back. Once The Light Switch comes on, You can't go back into The Darkness.
When You know the Truth.... Your Mind will Not Allow You to Forget what You have Exposed it to. You Can Not Unsee what You have Saw, Or what You have Felt. The Truth Needs No Support, It Will Always Stand. When You know the Truth....Its An Undeniable Force.... You Will be Made to Honor It.
"When You know the Truth"
By Jaki....