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Tug of War.....Is it just a Childhood Game that We use to play as Children? Or was there a Hidden Pattern, just silently waiting to Emerge, that may very well be Embedded in Us All? That began to Formulate, and Play out in what We just thought were Childhood Antics?

Tug of War..... Do You Remember?..... The Adrenaline Rush that seem to take over your whole Body? The Push and The Pull, The Desire to show off your Strength. Your Inability to Quit, The More Intense the Struggle becomes the more you seem to want to Dig in. You are being Driven by an Unseen Burst of Power. You can't explain it.... But You know that you feel it. There's that Adrenaline Rush!!!!

You want to Win at All Cost .... Coming in Second Place makes You feel like you have Failed.... For Many People that just was never an Option.

Tug of War..... Always seem to start out as A Friendly Competition.

All in the name of Friendly Exhibition and Comradery.... Until Emotions begin to get involved. In a Game that Underlined Base Intent is to teach Dominance, Control, and an Inability to Quit....That is No Place for Pride and OR Ego. Rather it is Children on the Playground, Or As Personal as The Adults that reside in your Living room. That is A Recipe for Disaster!!! Sadly People do not seem to believe it until it blows up in their Faces.

Tug of War.... We can talk about the Games We played when We were Children All Day. Do Not make the mistake of believing that I am merely talking about A Game. I only Reference the Game, Simply because the Concept, and the Rules of the Game are exactly the same in Real Life.

Pay Attention.....Are You currently in A Tug of War? With Someone else maybe? Are You in A Tug of War with Yourself? Remember!! I said that the same Rules will still apply. At all times, You are not in A Battle with Anyone else.... But Yourself!!! The Other People who are Participating in the Scenario, Are only there to make Your Life Extremely Uncomfortable for You. So that You don't lose sight of the Fact.... You must make A Decision!!!

Tug of War..... You IDIOT!!!! How could I have been so Blind. That is what You want to say to Yourself, When You realize You have been at War with Yourself All this time. Allowing Your Pride and EGO to take over, Not allowing Yourself to see past what You wanted. You have Always Possessed the Power to Choose what You Chose to Tolerate. You could have just Chosen to Let Go a long time ago.

For Whatever Reason that You Chose not to, You Now know for a Fact that Everything that has been Good to You, Did Not make it Any Good for You. You begin to Realize what You have Invested of Yourself, Is Not Rearing You the Return that You expected. Now You are having The Real Conversations with Yourself, Telling Yourself the Real Answers. What are You still Struggling for? What do you really stand to Gain at the End of All of this? The Push and The Pull, The Back and Forth, The Transference of Positive and Negative Energy. The Dominance, Control, The Desire to Win. Is it worth the Bruises that Your Heart and Your Hands have Endured trying to Hold On Tight to the Rope? OR How many times You have Fallen Down, Maybe You never even Fell Once....One Thing Holds True... You Never Let Go of Your End of the Rope.

It Isn't Always in Your Best Interest to Be Loyal to A Fault..... Especially to the Wrong Shit!!!! Be It People Places or Things. That is why Personal Boundaries are Imperative... You Give People an Inch.... They Want Ten Miles...If You feed the Mice the Cookie...Soon He will want The Milk.

Tug of War..... Have You ever Noticed that, So Many People can become So Comfortable with believing that Things, Situations, Even You will Always remain the Same. Some People are So Comfortable in The Tug of War Dynamic in Their Relationships. They Rely on The Push and Pull, They would Go Insane Without it..... That is Why they Must Create It. Rather it is Secretively...Or Publicly..... Everyone is Different.... The Motive is Still the Same..... Make No Mistake about that. They seem to Crave Dominance and Control, The More that You Participate, Be Made Aware, That You are Being Groomed. In Other Words to Understand and Accept, How Things Work!!!! I Call BULLSHIT!!!! The Majority of US, We be trying to Let Y'all Make It.... Realize Your Own Bullshit.... Put Yourselves in Check..... Before We Grow Tired!!!

The Mind Fuck.... Never Worked on The Majority of US' from the Beginning. You know when You are in A Losing Battle. Sometimes The Only Way to Win....Is To Quit!!!! Especially when it is Unclear What you are even Fighting for? What is All of the Struggle for? Most People , Nowadays are Fighting Tooth and Nail for what they Should Try and Run Away from. I will leave that alone at the moment.... Everyone will come to that Revelation in Due time.

Tug of War..... If You think that the Words that I Speak are not the Truth. OR I don't know what I am talking about....I can Always Support the Truth. TRY To Walk Away from A Dysfunctional Person, Or Situation, That You Use to Otherwise Engage. They Will Be Mad at You.....If For No Other Reason You have been willing to Play. How can You Quit?.... You Can't Quit.... This is what Y'all Always Do. Never mind the Fact that it is Dysfunctional As Hell. They will tell You we've been doing it this way!!!! You are The One Acting Brand New. You will have A Fight on Your Hands. TRAUMA BONDING....Is Real People.... And A Very Dangerous State of Mind to find Oneself Encapsulated in...... Recognize the Signs!!!!

When You know better.... You Do Better.... You are No longer at War with Yourself. You are Letting Go of The Tug of War, Sometimes the Price of Your Freedom.....Is Becoming Public Enemy Number One. Be Alright with that, You will Never be Everyone's Cup of Tea. Even if You were.... Everyone is Not Meant to Continuously Drink from the Sprout..... ACCESS No Longer Granted!!!!

Tug of War..... Let Go of All the Unnecessary Nonsense and Burdens. Anyone Or Anything that Does Not Inspire You to become The Best Version of Yourself. It Is Not Worth Your Time, OR Your Energy. It Will Always be A Tug of War..... They Will Only Drain You. Remember, Some People Feed Off the Dysfunction.... You Do Not!!! They have No Motivation to Quit.... That is Why You Must!!!!.

You Must Stop The Madness.....It Will Always be A Tug of War.

When You find that Special Person that is Meant just for You.... Chosen By The Most High GOD. They Will Be Someone Who Will Always Fight for You. They Will Never be the One to Fight Against You. There Will be No Competitive Spirit Present....

It Will Not Be A Tug of War..... The Two Halves will Just Perfectly Fit.

                                         "TUG Of WAR"

                                                                                  BY Jaki.

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