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 "The Heart Knows"


The Heart Knows... All of Your Precious Secrets... What you try to keep hidden from the Prying Eyes of this World. The Heart does nothing but Absorb Emotions and Collect Information that it has been subjected to. It receives and retains All of the Information like A Mental Rolodex.

The Heart Knows.... The Most High GOD Himself Said... You must Guard Your Heart. For the Pain, Sorrows, and Struggles of Life flow from your Heart. The Heart Knows... IT Will Always guide You towards the Truth and the Light.... Even when You Do not want it to. The Heart Knows.... The Truth and The Lies that You Conveniently tell Yourself. The Heart Knows....It Can, and Will be Silent, Maybe even Submissive, But Only for So long.

Whatever IT is that You Nurture, Or Harbor in Your Heart, Shall Soon be Revealed. We are All too Familiar with The Most High GOD Word... Whatever is in A Man's Heart so shall He speak it. The Heart Knows.... When It is being Authentic and when It is being Deceitful. You will Always be made Aware of the Understanding and Motivation that Reside in Your Heart. It is Imperative that One know Thyself.

The Heart Knows.... What It Needs, and What It Craves, and the Slippery Slope Games that You often like to play. Now Rather or Not that is good for You or not....Is Subjective!!! The Heart can be A Very Forgiving Organism. It can also become very Cold as Ice, and just as Solid and Stoic as A Brick Wall. That is why You must be Careful, and Gentle with Yourself. Try Not to Inflict Unnecessary, Unwanted Trauma upon Yourself. Your Heart will Only Endure but so much Abuse.... Before IT Will begin to Rebel. Have You ever wondered Why there are so many Broken People in this World?

That Is Not A Coincidence.. Unfortunately A lot of People Choose to be Bitter...It Hurts to Heal...It makes You Accountable. A lot of People Do Not Choose that Path.... Hence... The Broken People.

The Heart Knows..... When You are Happy, Sad, Or in Love... What You are feeling inside of Your Heart will show All over Your Face. It Bares A Reflection in Everything that You do. You recognize the Strong Magnetic Pull You are Experiencing... You know that this is Real. There is An Enormous sense of Pride, You could not even begin to Hide.... Even if You tried.

The Heart Knows.... The Exact Opposite Holds True, If You have ever Experienced Heartbreak. The Heart Knows.... The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. The Heart Knows.... When You were Present... And Showed Up... And When You were Not... And Didn't!! Sometimes Your Heart will Allow You to play Victim for A little while... But Remember It will Only take so much before it starts to tell You the Harsh Truth. How long can You continue to Lie and Deceive You? It Never feels good when Pain and Discomfort is Thrust Upon You Unsuspectingly, OR Gradually over time. As Painful as it is, And how Unfair it may seem. However the Circumstances turned out, They did not seem to go in Your Favor...At least that is what it looks and feels like... From Your Point of View!!!

The Most High GOD knows Better!!! He talks to You.... Where He Can Reach You.....In Your Heart!!! Would it Surprise You to find out? This is How You Learn.... The Pain and the Disappointment You have Experienced is what Helps You to Grow. NOT to become Bitter... But to GROW!!!...If You Allow It!!! The Most High GOD Never Said Every Lesson that You had to learn in this Lifetime, Would be to Your Liking, OR Would feel good while You were learning it.

The Heart Knows..... The Affairs of The Heart, Can show up in many different Facets of Your Life. The Heart Knows.... What The Purge Really Means... When You feel like You are being Forced, OR You willingly Submit when it is Time to get Real Honest about Everything that has ever made You Happy, OR made You Cry, Are Now being Dispelled from Your Body. The Holy Spirit is Cleansing You...OF All of the Negative Toxins inside of You, That We All Sometimes Hold on to.... Even when You think that You don't.

The Heart Knows.... That is Your Direct Pathway to Communicating with The Most High GOD. Whenever You make A Request from Your Heart... TRUST that The Most High GOD is Listening... And HE Will Respond. The Heart Knows.... When it is Time for Change, Although it Can be Very Painful.... Converting!!! Adjusting to A Different Mindset, Not Afraid to let Go of Anyone OR Anything that No longer serves Your Highest Good. Some People spend Their Whole Life running from Change.... They Fear It!!! Then there are People who Not Only Embrace Change, They are Spiritually and Emotionally Motivated to Create It. In Order to Internally Grow....It Is Necessary...Both Ways!!!

The Heart Knows..... Let US All be Honest here.. Nothing Motivates You to want to Excel and Do Your Best like when You are Genuinely Happy, Your Creativity, Passion and Tenacity is At a All Time High... You're Vibing!!!!

The Same is Equally True, When You have Endured A Heartbreak. The Sadness and the Grief will be different depending on the Circumstances. Some People in this World have the Ability to turn Their Pain into Power. Yes it Hurts, Sometimes IT can hurt like Hell...I Never once said that it was Easy... But It Can be Done. If You Do Not think so....Where Do You think Your Favorite Love Song comes from?

That is Why they are Singing about it, While They are going through it. So Something Positive can come out of it. You Sing the Song because It Resonates with How You are Feeling. The Heart Knows... How to Heal Itself.... With the Help of The Most High GOD...Any and Everything is Possible.

The Heart Knows..... Do Not Fail to Listen, When It is Trying to tell You Something. IT Will Always tell You what You Need to Know... Not Always what You want to know. Please Understand that there is A Tremendous Difference.

The Heart Knows.... PRAY... Listen.... The Heart Does Really Speak!!!

                                       The Heart Knows!!!

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