Remember Who You Are.... Do You know Who You Are? Do You know Whose You are? Do You know where Your Spirit Originates from? Many times Life's Ups and Downs, and the Struggles that it can bring can sometimes ware you down, and cause you to lose Sight of Who You really are, and what You actually bring to the Table.
Remember Who You Are.... Despite what some people may commonly allow Themselves to believe. Everything is Not Meant for Everyone, Everyone's Path will not be the same. That is Why You Must be Comfortable in Your Own Skin. STOP trying to follow The Pact.... Stand Outside of The Pact.... And LEAD IT. The Path that You were Chosen to follow, Was Implemented by The Most High GOD. Some People are built to be Teflon Tough, They can take A Licking and keep on Ticking. They were Built to Last!!!
Some People were sent into this World by The Most High GOD to serve A very Specific Purpose. He is Your Strength, His Grace and His Mercy is More Than Sufficient. The Most High GOD will Never lead you to Anything...... That HE Will Not Bring You Through.
Remember Who You Are.... The Most High GOD loves All of His Children. I'm in No Way trying to Debate that Truth..., But what People Must Understand is that there are Levels to this. There is A Huge Difference between being A Child of The Most High GOD..... Versus Being Chosen.... By The Most High GOD!!! Many Are Called..... Only A Few Are Chosen!!! Remember Who You Are....
Remember Who You Are... INNATELY, You Understand that You must hold Yourself to A Higher Standard. You try to Govern Yourself more wisely with the Choices and the Decisions that you make. NO One is Perfect.... PERFECTION......Is Not What You Seek.... That would be Your EGO rearing its Ugly Head. Instead You Welcome and Value Accountability, Which helps You keep You in Line, and in Alignment with The Most High GOD, and what is Expected of You.
Remember Who You Are..... When Your Life has A Divine Purpose, There will always be Highs and Lows in Life. The Darkness in this World will always try to DIM The LIGHT!!! The Devil has No Real Power..... Remember That!!! You must willingly give yours away. The Light that is inside of You is A Powerful Force.... Bestowed Upon You by The Most High GOD. The LIGHT will always Transcend the Darkness. No matter how hard it may get, OR how Insurmountable your Burdens and Struggles may seem. You must remember that You have Endured and Survived Worse. The Most High GOD has never left You alone, He has Always been by your side. HE Is Your Protector and Your Salvation.
No Demon in Hell has Any Power over Your Life. Now that is not to say that You will Not be Tried and Tested.... You will Be!!!! You are The Most High GOD'S Chosen..... You were born Special....Set Apart from All of the Rest. The Devil Does Not Try to Break into Empty Houses..... With Nothing of Value in Them. Let That Marinate for A Minute!!!
Remember Who You Are..... When You are Chosen By The Most High GOD, That alone will make You Highly Sought After.....By GOD Fearing People, Devil's and Demon's alike. People can Sense it is Something Very Different about You..... Even if they don't know exactly what it is. Some People may not honestly be Aware.... They can just tell that You are Different. But BEWARE!!! There are many People that know exactly Who You Are, and exactly Whose You Are, That is Why they are here.....To Create Chaos and Interference in Your Life.
They Do Not have the Power to Stop Your Life's Mission, OR Hinder Your Blessings.... But if They can get You to Overt Your Attention and Focus to Other Things.... WELL, HELL....A WIN is A WIN.... Even if it is By Default. You Must Be Smarter than That.
Remember Who You Are.....To Whom much is Given..... Much is Expected!!! Remember Who You Are.... You were Hand Picked by The Most High GOD. HE knows The Value in Which You Carry. The Question Is....Do You know?? Do You Remember??
                  Remember Who You Are!!!
                                           BY Jaki.