"My Spirit Speaks"
Have you ever come to a Complete Stop? Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically. My Spirit Speaks.. The Flesh, and the Spirit are Two Different Energies , and they are Facilitated Definitely in Two Different ways My Spirit Speaks . ...It will not allow me to Rest. When the TRAJECTORY of Certain Situations are out of Alignment, BALANCE Must Be Restored. It's a voice that refuses Not To Be Heard. My Spirit Speaks .....It does not care if I cry... Truth is... The Spirit wants you to cry because it's An Opportunity to let Go of what No Longer Serves my Highest Good., And make Peace with Letting Go. My Spirit Speaks....Mad as Hell! In my Inability to make A Decision, Understanding that One will be made for me. My Spirit knows the Truth, No matter All the Hell that I might raise, Because we Always want what we want. The Future that we Often Times Envision for Ourselves, Is Not Always what the Spirit has in mind. My Spirit Will Not Allow me to Live A Lie. As the Old Song use to say, "Mind Blowing Decisions.... Causes Head On Collisions". A choice Must, And Will Be Made. My Spirit Speaks.... When you Have been moved Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically, and you had No Clue you were Even moving.. My Spirit Speaks!.... The Spirit knows that You Can't Heal where you Got Hurt. My Spirit Speaks... There is a War going on Spiritual Warfare..
Energy Vampires are on the Loose..And Yes they Do Exist.. BEWARE of Smiling Faces. Wolfs that Cloak in Sheep's Clothing. Everyone does Not wish you well. Although they continuously say that they do with Their Lying Tongues. SECRETLY wishing for your Downfall. Sometimes it's The People that are Closest to you. My Spirit Speaks....
Sometimes you are Sleeping With the Enemy, Sometimes You are Related to them. You Share Close Bonds with them. My Spirit Speaks...Is One of Gods ways of Getting My Undivided Attention. ENERGY NEVER LIES. NEVER. My Spirit Speaks...It Always Makes Me Aware of my Surroundings. In a world like Ours today, Where People, Places, and Things Are Nothing As they Appear to be. I must Rely on my Spirit Speaking to me . You will not Always like what you See... But it Will Be The Truth.... My Spirit Speaks...I Really Do Not Know If Anyone Else's does. I Believe that we All are Aware... Unfortunately, Not everyone is Connected. Some don't Recognize, Or Acknowledge that Gentle at times, But Stearn, if Necessary Voice of Reason and Persuasion. Is One of the Many Reasons Most People Repeat the Same Mistakes over, over again. Do yourself a Solid and take my Advice. When Your Spirit is Speaking..
LISTEN..... LISTEN... THEN LISTEN AGAIN. More Times than Not it Will SHIELD You from the Danger that You Can't See.
"My Spirit Speaks "