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"Healing Hurts"

Healing Hurts....No One in this World likes Or wants to experience Pain. The Healing Journey that One must experience after having to Endure Trauma, Rather it is Physically, Mentally, Or Emotionally... Trauma is Trauma. The Healing Process sometimes can be just As Painful and Traumatic as sustaining the Injury Itself. Some People would Ask.... How can that be? Think about it for a moment... When Pain and Discomfort is thrusted upon you, Your Mind and Body can feel the Impact. Something maybe as simple as A Broken Leg..Yes it hurted when it happened...But the Discomfort that came along with having to wear the Cast, The Crutches, The Aches and the Pain. The Limitations that were now placed on your life...All of the things that You could no longer do until you healed...Were almost just as Painful!!!

Healing Hurts.... Now, That We All have a little more In-tuned Insight of what I am talking about, We can Proceed On. We All Know, That I am not just referring to Physical Pain and Discomfort. The Healing Process Definitely expands much further than just that. It really does not matter the Source of Your Pain, Pain can be A very Excruciating Emotion that can take A Hell of A lot Out of You. Some People can Endure such Traumatic Experiences, It can take sometimes Years to Recover from. Sadly, Some People may not Recover At All. The Mind, and The Body, Will be Forced to Remember their Primary Functions. The Mind will sometimes Replay what has happened, And The Body, Is often times left with Reminders of what it has Endured. During this Necessary Down Time.... Some People Refer to this As Grieving!!! The Mind begins to Calculate what it feels that It has lost, And what It may have Gained, When All of the Toils of Labor and War are Tallied Up.

Healing Hurts....There really Isn't any Doubt that Your Mind and Body can Heal...They are Self Healing Mechanisms....IT just takes Time. But when It comes to Healing.... Real Healing, It Isn't Always just that Simple. In Order to Obtain Your Desired Results... Your Intentions, Must be Intentional and Direct, Because Healing Hurts. There are a lot of People in this World, Who are terrified to even Blow on their Wounds, Let Alone even Try to Attempt to try and Heal Them. The Memories of how their Wounds were Inflicted are just Too much to Bare. So They create Barriers, As a way of Protecting Themselves...Out of Sight... Out of Mind. Deflection Is Only Temporary!!! Late in the Midnight Hour, You will be Forced to Face the Truth. That is why You Must Address It.... OR It Will Definitely Address You.

Healing Hurts....We are All Too Familiar with the Saying, That Hurt People.... Hurt People. Pain can become very Debilitating, No Matter the Source. IT can make You A Prisoner of Your Pain, If You Allow it to. You Do Have A Choice!!! The Way that I See It, If You Must Endure the Pain, Why Not Use it to Your Advantage.... BY Healing From IT. What Do I mean by that? Have You ever had A Real Bad Toothache that just would not seem to go away? You may be Afraid of The Dentist, Or You just Don't like Needles.... They Hurt... But You are So Tired of The Pain and Discomfort, Your Toothache Continuously brings. IT starts to Make Sense to be In A Little Pain, To Get Out of A Whole lot of Pain. IS Anything that I Am Saying Resonating with Anyone? The Analogy Is the Same!!!

Healing Hurts.... Feelings, Peoples Emotions.... Well Clearly Everyone's Viewpoint is going to Drastically Change on this Particular Subject. A Broken Heart, Dreams and Aspirations that You never Saw come to Pass. Feelings of being dealt A Bad Hand, and Getting the Short End of the Stick. Many People would Say that Is A Totally Different Conversation. How can You Heal from A Broken Heart? When there have been Many People Who has Died from having One. IT is Possible!!! BY Choosing to Heal!!!

Healing Hurts.....I Am in No Way Suggesting that is An Easy Task, That will happen Overnight....No, IT Definitely Will Not. There will be A lot of things that You Must Come to Terms with. You Must Identify and Understand what Your Triggers are. What Circumstances and Situations put You in Your Feelings and Emotions? IS it Music? Your Sense of Smell? OR just Common Interests that You Use to find Liberating and Exciting. Memories of Things that You Use to Do.. But Now that You are Alone...They are No longer Any Fun. The World Is Not at Its End.... Even though At the Moment it may feel like it is. IT just Means that Now, Things are Different. Remember, Different Can be Just As Good.... Even Maybe even Better. The Most High GOD Said, This Too Shall Pass!!! The Sun Will Shine Again.... Never Lose Hope!!!

Healing Hurts..... Would It Surprise You to learn that The Same Pain that has Hurt You, Can Also Heal You? I will Explain.... You Now know that You can be Hurt. Picking Up the Pieces... Isn't Always As Easy As it Sounds. You Will begin to take Precautions that You Never even Considered Before. You will learn to Take Accountability for Your Choices and Actions. You will Stop Putting Yourself in Precarious Situations, Because Of A Frivolous Mindset.

Healing Hurts..... The Pain that You have Experienced, If Nothing Else has Taught You Valuable Lessons that You Will Never Forget.... Despite The Cost. You Have Learned!!! Healing Hurts.... But IT Is Essential...To Learn from Your Mistakes!!! That Is A Huge Blessing All BY Itself. BE Grateful!!! No Guts...No Glory!!! No Risks...No Reward!!!

                                                                                      BY Jaki.

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