Follow the Yellow Brick Road..... Which Direction Should You Take? That is the Question that We All seem to Face at some point in Our lives. Some of Us have been lucky enough to halfway choose wisely, While the rest of Us, Would Not consider themselves to be so lucky. Every Choice did not render the Most Desired Results... Nothing happens by Accident and Everything is In Divine Order!!!
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.... The Footsteps of A Good Man, Are Ordered By The Most High GOD. Sometimes the Path in life Is Not Always Clear, Often times the Choices that Sit before You, Can make You feel like being caught between A Rock and A Hard Place. WE All Know that feeling, I Am Damned if I Do, I Am Damned if I Don't. Even Chaos has some sense of Order, Sometimes those are the Situations that are Orchestrated by The Most High GOD....To Show You that You Can Not get Yourself out of the Situation.... Without FAITH!!!! The Most High GOD is the Way.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.... Sometimes Requires You to Rely on the Gentle, Yet Stern Nudges You feel in your Spirit. Trusting Your Intuition to Guide You, Remembering the Landmarks that were shown to You throughout your Journey in life. The Jewels that were passed down to You since You were a Child through Generation to Generation. Encompassing All that You have learned over time. All of the things that worked out in Your Favor, and All of the things that did not..... IT'S Called Wisdom!!!!
Follow the Yellow Brick Road...... Which brings Me to the next level of Understanding.... This Is the Part when Your Discernment plays A Very Important Part, There are Rules to this Shit. Everything in this World Is Not Always quite what it seems. Life will always provide You with Many Highs, and A lot of Unfortunate Lows. IT is designed to keep You on your Toes and Regulate your Balance.... IT'S Just Life!!!! That Is Why, We All should be Grateful that The Most High GOD allows Us A Blue Print to Follow. IT Isn't Meant for Everyone to See, But IT Can be Found by Anyone Who is Willing and Committed to look. You Must be Willing to Commit Yourself to something that Is Bigger than You. You Must be Willing to Trust, When there seems to be Insurmountable Odds up against You. The Most High GOD, Will Never take You to Anything, That HE Can Not, OR Will Not, Bring You Through.
HE Has Already Cleared Your Pathway. The Enemy wants You to remain in the Darkness, He will always try to Cover the Road, So that You can not see. Hoping that You will get lost.... And Remain lost. Nothing and No One, Can Separate You from the Love of The Most High GOD. HE Will Always leave A Trail for You to Follow, To help You to find Your way Home.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road..... The Most High GOD will drop Manna down from Heaven to help to sustain Your Needs when You are under Duress. Be Open to the Signs and Synchronicities that GOD is trying to show You. HE Is Always trying to lead Us in the Direction of Our Highest Good. Even when You Do Not Recognize where You are going.....GO!!! Without Question!!! Allow The Most High GOD to Lead You in Your Spirit. OR You may find Yourself like So Many Others Saying; OH My God, Why Didn't You tell Me? Well, HE Did....IT Was You Who Chose Not to Listen.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.... The Path that The Most High GOD sends You On.....May Not Be an Easy One to Find, OR to Follow. There will be Trials and Tribulations, You Will have to give Up Your Worldly Mindset and Beliefs to Stay on IT. Your Flesh will Die Daily... You Can Not Serve Two Masters at the same time. The Rewards and Blessings that The Most High GOD will Bestow Upon You for being Obedient and Faithful, Is Unlike Anything ever known to Man. He Will Pour Out A Blessing that Your House and Both Your Hands Could Not Hold. The Road that The Good Lord Asks You to Follow, Will Illuminate the Light Not Only in Your Life, But Also In Your Spirit!!!
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.... Once You have Found the Path, The Worries and Concerns of this World, Will No longer Plague You....There will be No Need for You to Worry. Because You Now know and Understand that No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper. You are Heading in the Right Direction.... And Whatever happens from this point on... IT Will be Ok... Because The Most High GOD Has HIS Hands On You.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.... BLESSED...Are Those that Follow His Instruction!!!!
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
                                                 BY Jaki....