Can You Fix What You Broke?..... IT May Seem like A Silly, Unimportant Question, That Bares No Real Substantiated Validity. On The Contrary People, IT is Very Relative, You would be Surprised how many People would Say Yes. Their Contention Is... If I Broke It, I Can Fix It. If I took It Apart, I Can Put It back together Again. It would Astonish You to Discover how many People lack the Necessary Mindset, They Do Not Possess the Drive, Discipline, OR Integrity, To Stand On Such A Claim.
Can You Fix What You Broke?.... You Must be Willing to Stand in Your Truth. More Importantly, Be Willing to hold Yourself Accountable for the Choices that You Choose to make. No Matter how Painful That The Truth May be. IT is Essential!!!! That is how You will learn from Your Mistakes. The Same Way that You Built the Beast.... Is The Same Way that You Must Dismantle It. Piece By Piece, You Must Recall Where You placed Each and Every Piece,, And be Completely Honest and Transparent with Yourself, On Why You Chose to Strategically Place It there. Please Pay Close Attention to the Fact that I Referenced Strategically Placed. So That Everyone Whose In Agreement, Can Come to Terms with The Mindset that They were In. Remember, Anything that Is Not Built On the Truth Will Not Stand....OR Last!!!!
Can You Fix What You Broke?.... Do You have A Destructive Persona by Nature? You lack the Ability to Tap into Your Sensitive Side. To help to Create A Natural Order of Balance. Out of Fear, You Believe that It will make You look Weak. So Many People Fear Vulnerability, That they will Put On A Mask, and Become Disconnected and Disingenuous to Their Empathy and Compassion for Other People.... Sometimes Even to Their Own Emotions. When that is Not Even Who they Truly Are.... But They are Terrified of The World finding Out Their Precious Little Secret... They Really Are Very Sensitive .. And They just want to Fit In... To Feel Accepted!!.
If They Pretend, And Act like They don't care...Then The World Can Not See Them Hurt. If You Can Not See their Emotions, You Can Never Use Them Against Them. A Very Good Failsafe... But Not Everyone is Out To Get You. There is A Huge Difference in Playing It Safe... And Being Paranoid!!! IT has become A Part of Their Protective Armor, They have worn it for so long, It is Now A Part of Who They are. Their Made-up Illusions of Mystique keeps Them Feeling Safe and Protected. Any Crack in Their Already Unstable Foundation..... Would be Considered A Tower Moment.
Can You Fix What You Broke?....If that is what You are Presenting to the World, Who will Ever See Anything Different in You? Everyone Is Aware of What Their Shortcomings are. Things about Your Personality that Requires Your Attention. That is what makes Us Who We are. No One In this World Is Perfect... That is Why It is Essential that You must be willing to Address, Nurture, and Reign In Both Sides of Yourself...To help keep Yourself in Check. Keep In Mind, Everyone has A Wild side/ A Barely Tamed Alter Ego, To put it Mildly.... And If left Unchecked It Can, And Will Create Situations in Your Life that You know that You don't want to Deal with.... Let's Keep It 100!!!!
Well, Since We are On the Subject... When You Choose to Run in Your Pride and EGO, and Immediate Gratification.... Own Your Shit!!! This is One of Those Moments that I Spoke of when I Said..... Take Accountability!!! What Did You Do? Were there things that You Could have/ You should have done Differently? Some Things that You have Done, and You know that You Should have Not done?.... Yet You Still Done It Anyway!!! Did You even Give A Damn about The Outcome at the time? Again, Be Honest with Yourself!!!!
Can You Fix What You Broke?.... Systematically Covers, A Mass Range of So Many Different Aspects of life. If For No Other Reason, Other then the Fact that We All are Humans, That are Automatically Prone to Error. So with that being said, A lot of Situations, Relationships, Will Be, And has been Effected by A High Percentage of People, Who Can Not Fix What they Broke. People.... IT is Not Personal. You Must Grant Them A Pass...The Pass Is...To Recognize Them!!! They are Not Essentially Bad People. Do Not look at it that way. To look At It from that Perspective, You will be looking Out of the Wrong Lens. No The Truth Is.... IT is No Different then when You Understand Who You Can Count On, and What You Can Count On Them for. Consider It A learning lesson for All Parties Involved.... IT is A Choice!!!
Can You Fix What You Broke?..... Retracing Your Footsteps... Just like You Do when You have misplaced Your Keys. In Your Journey to Find the Truth, and Enlightenment, You Must be Willing to Start at the Beginning. I Often times wonder To Myself, Why is it So Hard for So many People to Understand that, That One Specific, Yet Very Significant Rule applies to So Many Different Facets in Your Life. In Truth, I Know the Answer... Everyone Doesn't want to Do the Work. They are More than Ready to Partake in All of the Fun Exciting things, The Energy of The Party would bring... But After the Party Is All Over, And A Good Time was had By All.... They're Gone!!! They want No Parts of being A Part of The Clean up Crew. Although They enjoyed every moment of Helping You to Mess it up.
I'm Sure that You have Encountered Some of these People, At Some Point in Your Life. They Are The I'm here for A Good Time... Not A long Time People. Again I Reiterate, That Does Not make them Bad People. That is Just Who they are...IT Only Means that You should always Remain Aware... That the Same Passion, and Tenacity, That will be Exhibited in the Destruction. Will Not be Exhibited in The Restoration. Always Count The Cost.... Always know Who, OR What It is that You are Dealing with.
Can You Fix What You Broke?.... When You Finally Understand The Error of Your Ways. You Finally Understand and Comprehend that Nothing Really happens to You. IT Boils down to.... Either You Are, Or You were A Part of The Shenanigans, OR You Are Not. You are Now A Bit more Open to the Possibility that Your Pride and EGO may have led to A lot of Mishaps and Let Downs happening in Your Life. Now You Realize, and Fully Accept, That You Must Govern You At All Times.
You Will Begin to Move Differently, With Intention and Pride. You Now Understand that Every Action, Bares A Consequence. Some Things in life, You have Mistakenly Broken and It Can Not be Fixed. OR Even if You Did It Intentionally.... But Now You Regret It!!!! The Lesson to Be learned here Is.... Always Do Your Best to Value, The People, Places, OR Things, That You Deem to be Important. You have begin to Realize that Time waits On No Man. With A Clear Vision of Your Past Mistakes, Playing like Your Favorite Movie playing On the Big Screen. Life is Offering You A Rare Opportunity to learn from Your Past, And move forward with A Clean Slate. Because Your Mindset is Now Enlightened... The Outcome of Your Choices Can be Different. The Intent in Your Heart, First Must Change. Whatever is in A Man's Heart, He Shall Speak It, And He Shall Follow.
How Important Is It to You to Be Just? If You were A Man Or A Woman Enough to Break It... Can You be Man Or Woman Enough to Fix What You Broke?.... Here Is A Round of Applause to All of the People, Who Continue to Stand Strong, and Remain Committed to Standing on their Principles. They Stand on The Character of Who they really are... And They Are Not willing to Compromise what their Beliefs are.... And They Stand On it. Rather the Other Person, OR Situation Is Solid OR Not. Some Peoples Conviction to Who they are, And what they Stand for.....Is Cemented in Stone. IT really has Nothing to Do with Anyone Else.. They take Defining Characteristics very Seriously. If They Start Something.... They are Determined to Finish It. No Work is Finished...That is left Undone. They're Determined to Finish It, It has Never been A Good Attribute to start things that You never get around to, OR Even Plan on Finishing. It will Give Off the Energy of You being A Procrastinator, OR Just A Real Bullshitter. You Will be Known as The One Who talks A Good Game.... But Will Always Fail to Produce.
Can You Fix What You Broke?.... The Most High GOD, Is More than Able to Help You To Fix What is Broke. Everything Can be Fixed... With The Help of The Most High GOD. Some Things have been Broken inside of US, BY Gods Design. So That the Real Authentic Version of Yourself can begin to Emerge. It will Definitely be The Onset of The Process Beginning. The Most High GOD, He Is The Potter and We are The Clay. He knows What He had in Mind, When He Created US All....He Doesn't Make Any Mistakes!!! His Vision is Perfect.... Only HE Can Bestow such A Blessing....To Fix what Is Broke..... And Everything Else that You feel that the World may have Broke too.
Can You Fix What You Broke?... People have Good Intentions, But Mistakes will Continue to happen, Because We are Only Human. Things will just happen.... That is Life!!! Good Intentions, OR Not, Be that Person that You would hope The Other Person would be, Knowing that they held Your Heart in their Hands. The Gentleness and The Respect, You would Internally Expect. You are Now Being Given The Opportunity to Choose for Yourself, At that moment of Reflection. What Type of Person Do You want to be?
Can You Fix What You Broke?... IT is Not Always about What You Do. Although that Can Bare A lot of Weight. As It is More Important, How You Did It. The Topic really does not matter...If the Results are still the same. If You Invest in Something Positive into The Universe.. You Can Expect Good Measure.... Measured Unto You. On The Contrary, The Opposite Holds True. If You Invest in the Opposite... You Can Expect The Most High GOD to Show Up, And Intervene, and Balance Out the Scales. We All Make Mistakes, No Matter what they are.... Take Accountability for Your Choices and Your Actions!!! IT Says A lot about Who You Are As A Person..... When You Can't.... And Don't!!!!
  "Can You Fix What You Broke?"
                                                 BY Jaki...